Saturday, August 18, 2007

Outdoor Adventures

The crab tore my leg off!

Feeling the surf groove:

What rock climbers do when all the rocks are covered in green. Click on the picture to enlarge (as always).

Day 7 Saturday 8/18/07

Meet Old Banana Stripe. He lives in a cinder block behind our house. I took the photo through the kitchen window.

Meet Young Banana Stripe; he is auditioning for the upcoming Howler Review.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Day 6 Friday 8/17/07

Last night we played basketball, and although I miss those games with Aurora, Christian, Erin, Hans, Pacho, & even Mike, last night we had an indoor wooden floor with 17 people. I was below the 50th percentile in both height and ability. I was however undefeated in 4 games.

Today I walk slowly.

High on the wall at each end of the gym, there is a picture of a child, one 8 years old, one 10. Beneath each photo a caption reads, "An athlete forever," along with a respective birthdate and closing date of July 16th, 2005. The father built the gym, and accompanying skate park and fitness center, as a monument to his lost family. One wife, two children, one friend, and the friend's two children lost in a plane crash.

Admission was free.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Day 5 Thursday 8/16/07

Student Housing

Unidentified Life Form # 1

Dorm with Tree

Unidentified Life Form # 2

Monday, August 13, 2007

Day 2 Monday 8/13/07

The school opens next Tuesday.

Do you think we'll make it?

Meet Dan Baldwin, high school science teacher, fellow mountain biker and chess player. For two summers he worked in remote Alaskan villages teaching people how to swim. Think about that.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Day 1 Sunday 8/12/07

We saw our first monkey but that howler could not compete with the thrill of walking in the mud puddles with brand new yellow boots.